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We do not wait for the future to happen.
We build it today.

UBK Markets
is a world-class broker providing services
in the global financial market.
The long history of the Company
is characterized by sustainable development
of its customer community due to the use of
cutting-edge technologies.
Philosophy of Transparency.
Transparency is an essential element of the UBK Markets corporate culture.
Effective Management.
UBK Markets meets the world business standards in full.
Social Responsibility.
For UBK Markets, social responsibility is not only a philosophic concept defining our attitude towards society, the country and the environment, but also an aspiration to do business in harmony with people involving obligations and active participation in the social and economic development of society as a whole.
Mission and Corporate Values.
The UBK Markets mission involves the development
of innovative technologies and standards of work
in the global financial markets.
Business Model.
UBK Markets is a next-generation brokerage company that offers a wide range of services and opportunities to its Customers and Partners all over the world.

The Company is permitted to provide investment and ancillary services or to perform the investment activities related to the financial instruments stated in the attached Annex.

1. I, II and III means Part I, II and III of the Third Annex of the Law 144(I)/2007, respectively.

2. The numbers in the brackets correspond to the Paragraph of each Part, as defined in Paragraph 1 of these explanations.

UBK Markets is regulated by the Cyprus Securities
and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and
has a license No. 186/12 that allows the Company to provide financial services internationally.
Institutional Services.
An integral part of this activity is a high level of openness, transparency and security.
UBK Markets in the world