We are approaching the 7th anniversary celebration of the commercial launch of UBK Markets Company. By tradition we hold the events annually in September. At these events we inform our Customers and Partners about the results of our activity, as well as announce new developments and plans for the future. Each event is unique.
This year, celebration of the 7th anniversary will take place within the framework of conference Simcord Innovation Technologies 2017, which will be held on September 9 in Sochi City, one of the world’s picturesque resorts.
We invite everybody to this Event, who is eager to follow modern trends in the development of financial industry. The participants of the conference will obtain comprehensive answers to all their questions from key officials and the Company executives.
The opportunity to take part in the conference Simcord Innovation Technologies 2017 is limited, and those who will manage to purchase tickets can visit this event.
You can find out more about the Event and get a discount while purchasing the tickets visiting the website www.sit2017.com
You can also contact us for advice by Email: [email protected]
On June 23, 2016 the UK will hold a referendum on whether to leave or remain in the European Union.
This event may cause an increase in the market volatility and may weaken the liquidity of a number of financial instruments, which in its turn can cause spread widening and emergence of a gap situation.
In this regard, to avoid forced closure of positions in case of insufficient funds, in the period from 20 to 27 June 2016 we recommend our Customers to adjust their total open position in their trading accounts in order to comply with the essential margin requirements for the leverage up to 1:10 or add additional funds to maintain the account balance.
Starting from June 27, 2016 all margin requirements are expected to return to normal values. However, in case the situation in the financial market does not stabilize after the referendum in the UK, trade restrictions may be extended.
The desire of the Company to provide its Customers with the most profitable conditions of cooperation keeping up the principles of absolute loyalty and openness is a natural integral part of UBK Markets development. Thus, developing new products and improving the existing ones, at the same time we update the website ergonomics which concept involves universal solutions that are fully consistent with these principles.
One of these solutions is related to intelligence system of automated risk management intended for future iPAMM-Manager accounts. With the launch of the system, which will be held simultaneously with the launch of an updated website, additional accounts Processed will be automatically created for iPAMM-Managers on each currency pair. The advantage of such accounts is that iPAMM-Managers’ trading orders are processed with the intelligence system of automated risk management, which gives them additional stability. In addition, trading performance of an iPAMM-Manager in the Processed accounts can be significantly better than the performance of an iPAMM-Manager in Original accounts to which additional algorithms of risk management have not been applied. Therefore, the Processed accounts handled by iPAMM system will attract more iPAMM-Investors and can serve as the main source of iPAMM-Managers’ income. Additional accounts will increase significantly opportunities for iPAMM-Investors while forming the Investment Portfolios. This, in its turn, will help iPAMM-Managers to increase their income, as Processed accounts will get popularity among all participants of the world financial market.
When an updated site is launched, opening an iPAMM-Manager account every UBK Markets Customer will get an opportunity to trade with only one currency pair - EUR/USD. Trading performance on this currency pair will be published in the iPAMM-Manager Ranking for both standard account (Original) and additional account (Processed) of iPAMM-Manager. Those iPAMM-Managers who want to use more financial instruments in their trading can activate them making a fee of $350 for each additional currency pair. Therefore, the intelligence system of automated risk management will be applied to those currency pairs which are actively involved by iPAMM-Manager in his/her trading. The publication of trading performance on each additional currency pair in the iPAMM-Manager Ranking will arise iPAMM-Investors’ interest and increase opportunities for an iPAMM-Manager account to be selected and included into the Investment Portfolio, thereby promoting an increase in investments both in Original and Processed accounts.
These changes will concern only those iPAMM-Managers who will start using services of the Company after the launch of an updated site. Those who already trade in the iPAMM-Manager account or are currently taking the iPAMM-Manager Test will have access to the intelligence system of automated risk management on 18 currency pairs. Trading performance of these iPAMM-Managers will be published in the ranking on all 18 financial instruments that will give iPAMM-Investors access to a large number of Processed accounts, which the iPAMM system handles, in order to create diversified portfolios with a high level of profitability and stability.
We are firmly convinced that this innovation will positively help our Customers to choose the conditions of cooperation with the Company and will contribute to a stable increase in profit received by both iPAMM-Managers and iPAMM-Investors.
UBK Markets constantly improves its products and services. All the improvements the Company initiates are based on the desire to expand Customers’ opportunities for obtaining а stable income. The changes in the conditions of taking the iPAMM-Manager Test will allow you to obtain the iPAMM-Manager status with less time and effort.
Our decision to introduce changes is based on the results of studies regarding traders’ activity in the test taking procedure and their subsequent trade efficiency in the iPAMM-Manager account. As a result, we came to a conclusion that to obtain the iPAMM-Manager status it is sufficient to meet the following conditions:
These conditions shall enter into force on February 22, 2016. Those Customers, who at the time of news publication are taking the test and have already achieved the abovementioned figures, obtain the iPAMM-Manager status automatically.
We believe that these changes will help our Customers to gain profit from the capital management on iPAMM technology in a fairer and more affordable way. We are also grateful to our Customers for their comments and suggestions that contribute to the improvement of existing products and services of the Company.
The Company has initiated many changes and innovations in 2015, among which the most important event was a launch of iPAMM system. Largely due to feedbacks from our Customers, we improved working conditions of iPAMM-Managers, which made the process of obtaining compensation maximum fair. We are grateful to everyone who voiced their wishes and suggestions on how to improve not only an iPAMM service, but also other Company’s products that definitely influenced our further development.
This year the Company held a grand event, which became the culmination of a global promotional campaign “Five years with UBK Markets!”. At this event we presented an updated concept of the site and new services on the basis of iPAMM technology, which will offer a number of additional opportunities for Customers and Partners.
Among the announced changes the most important is a launch of the updated site, a modernized concept of which differs from the previous one by its modern design and additional functionality. Firstly, the site will have a multilingual support, i.e. information on the products and services of the Company will be provided in 7 languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, English, German, French and Spanish. Secondly, next year the site will be also localized for Eastern Europe (in Polish, Romanian and Hungarian) and for Asian countries.
An updated site will be launched in 2 stages. At the first stage Customers can form own investment portfolios based on trading signals made by iPAMM-Managers. This will meet needs of those Customers who want to determine independently the level of their income based on iPAMM technology. At the second stage we plan to implement an option which will help you to select portfolios previously formed by other iPAMM-Investors, which they will publish in a corresponding rating. This will allow you to increase equally your capital both through active and passive iPAMM-Investment with minimum time and efforts.
The Company also expands the accrual remuneration terms of iBroker Partnership Program, which involves the gaining of a part of the profit not only from the classical trading, but also from the activities of iPAMM-Managers, iPAMM-Investors and Portfolio Managers.
In the coming year improvements will influence iPAMM-Managers as well. Due to the launch of an updated site, restrictions for iPAMM-Managers on the maximum amount of compensation are removed. Thus, a profit of iPAMM-Managers will depend on the quality of their trading signals that influence directly the Traderank index value. The higher Traderank a certain iPAMM-Manager has, the greater number of iPAMM-Investors will trust their funds in his/her hands. As a result, an income of iPAMM-Manager will grow steadily as it is a part of profit received by iPAMM-Investors in their investment accounts. Taking into consideration both that iPAMM-Investors are scattered around the world, and the Company does not set the maximum sum for investment, iPAMM-Managers can potentially operate the assets, which are amounted to hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars.
In addition, the Company is preparing to launch several Internet resources:
UBK Markets info site that contains comprehensive information on products and services of the Company. You can find detailed answers to the questions that Customers frequently address to our Customer Support. The convenient site navigation and full database of background materials will simplify and speed up familiarity with services provided and their features.
iPro Marketplace info site that provides access to the detailed instructions on how to use iPro Marketplace trading and analytical platform. Except articles describing a working procedure with the platform, its functionality and settings, you can find video tutorials on all sections and components of the trading platform on the site. To organize interactive communication between traders, we provide the forum with thematic branches on classical trading, trading based on iPAMM technology using iPro Marketplace, development of automated trading strategies and much more.
ForexTema site is converted into an information and analytical portal which will contain popular science articles on a trade using products and services of our Company. In addition, you can find analytics, economic events calendar and economic news on this resource. Pay your attention to the section devoted to the trade training in the financial markets. This section will contain articles and notes provided by the most authoritative sources.
The Company is planning to update trading and analytical platform iPro Marketplace to version 1.3.0 in the first quarter of 2016. This version of the platform is improved and differs from a previous one by new sections using which you can develop and test new automated trading strategies that allow users to improve significantly the efficiency of the capital management. In general, changes provided by this update concern a set of functions integrated into the platform, which improve its ergonomics and optimize the overall processes.
We also wish our Customers and Partners Happy New Year! May all your desires and goals realize in 2016. We are confident that the coming year will bring each of you new opportunities leading to your financial success. From our part, we will make all efforts to realize your potential in the stable material prosperity. May New Year bring you success, harmony and commitment to excellence in all your affairs!