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Set of Rules Determining Positions’ Rising and Falling in the Ranking
Friday, 21 August 2015

The iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking has been successfully working for more than three months. During this time, participants rated in the ranking managed to take part in testing of its functionality and get familiar with the rules, implementation of which is reflected in the change of Traderank index and change of positions in the ranking. With this news we intended to specify the rules following which iPAMM-Managers can build their own strategy in such a way not only to avoid a decrease in the ranking, but quite on the contrary to enhance the overall effectiveness of trade which directly influence the final distribution of profits among participants rated in the ranking.

  1. Consistency and predictability of trade. You should make at least one trade every 24 hours. Consequently, within 4 trading weeks you should have at least 20 trades. If you have made from 15 to 19 trades (even if they are all profitable) the Traderank index value will be significantly lower than when you make 20 or more trades. If you have made less than 14 trades in your trading account, you will be excluded from the ranking. The lack of activity in the iPAMM-Manager trading account for 48 hours lowers your positions even if you made already 20 or more trades.
  2. Proper use of Stop Loss and Take Profit. We have already emphasized that our algorithm considers how much you practice the risk management system established by iPAMM. Please note that closing prices of positions should be close as much as possible to the prices specified in the Stop Loss and Take Profit orders. Besides, it is important that the permissible deviation comprises not more than 50% of the price set in the pending order.
    2.1. Stop Loss and Take Profit ratio. We recommend you to follow the rule according to which Stop Loss value should not exceed more than twice Take Profit value. Following this principle, you can minimize your potential drawdowns that will allow to improve your trade performance directly influencing an increase of positions in the ranking.
  3. Profitability and time ratio. This parameter will have a positive impact on your progress in the ranking if you get more profit in less time. To do it, please try to open orders at the beginning of active movement. It will increase your chance to get the highest ratio of trade profit to the time spent on its execution. However, you should not make short-term trades either as they may be regarded as pipsing. We also do not recommend you to trade during the release of important news, because eventually there can occur a significant widening of spread and, consequently, profit minimization.
  4. Timely closure of unprofitable positions. The fewer your drawdowns are the better. Please try to follow the classic rule: your potential drawdown should not exceed more than twice an average profit per trade (see. subclause 2.1.). Moreover, please follow the dynamics of changes in balance. It is affected by drawdown size as well as large deviations from the average trade profitability. The final balance figure influences your progress in the ranking, but does not define it. As only the equally progressive and linear growth of balance defines positions of iPAMM-Managers in the ranking.
  5. No trades copying of other iPAMM-Managers. If trading operations performed by other iPAMM-Managers are repeated, we consider such an action as the one contradicting the principle of fair competition - the principle our ranking mechanism is based on. Under copying we mean the coincidence in order creation by two or more iPAMM-Managers which were made almost at the same time with an interval of a few seconds and a difference in the opening prices in a few dozens of pips. The coping of trades leads to reduction in the Traderank index, and accordingly, to the reduction of positions in the ranking.
  6. Peculiarities of pipsing. We would like to draw your attention once again to this trading strategy. We do not recommend to use it, as this trading strategy does not meet the requirements of capital management based on iPAMM technology. To simplify terms of trade, we have revised the rule that defines trades as pipsing. Under pipsing we mean a series of trades with the profitability lower than ten sized volume of average daily spread value. Please note that profitability is calculated at the moment of position closing. For example, the trading instrument has an average spread of 8 pips, then multiplying it by 10, we get the profit which equals to 80 pips (8 × 10). The profit below this value will negatively affect your progress in the ranking. However, our algorithm allows to perform at most 15% of trades through pipsing without reducing the value of Traderank index. This percentage is calculated based on the number of trades made for the last 4 weeks, which are used in the ranking formation.
  7. No trade series. Under this term we mean the absence of a series of consecutively opened orders in one direction with not considerable difference in pips between them. In case, such trades are separated by several dozens of pips, and the first trade is not closed at the moment of the second trade creation, such actions will be regarded as a series of close to each other trades, which would reduce the value of Traderank index. However, our algorithm allows a periodic trade series, provided that such a series of close to each other trades are irregular, and thus they are characterized by quite high profit.

General recommendations. At the end of each trading week, on Friday, at 17:00 UTC the system automatically closes all open orders of iPAMM-Managers. Please try to close orders on your own every Friday before 17:00 UTC, as in this case our algorithm will determine your trading decisions as consistent. Planning your actions always positively influences the evaluation of your trading strategy by system, which increases the Traderank value. Otherwise, your Traderank index will move down.

The violation of abovementioned rules leads to the Traderank index lowering, as in this case our algorithm determines your trading strategy as risky and gives under your control fewer funds allocated in the Company’s Investment Portfolio Account. Consequently, when the compensation is distributed, you will gain smaller amount than when you fully comply with the rules mentioned above.

Following these trading rules you can successfully move up in the iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking and expect maximum reward for your trading.

Results of iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking Test
Saturday, 11 July 2015

Today we would like to announce the results of the final testing of iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking.

From July 27 (Monday) for ranking participants we launch the service copying their trading orders to the Company’s special investment account. It means that iPAMM-Managers can get their first reward already on August 1 (Saturday).

We would like to remind you some important rules and to draw your attention to them again:

The rule on how we calculate the ranking. During the calculation only the last 100 trades made by you for the past 4 weeks are accepted. For example, if you make 100 trades for 2 weeks, or even for less time, the quality of your trading will be assessed exactly within the abovementioned time period and, accordingly, the Traderank index.

The rule on how we measure the effectiveness of Stop Loss and Take Profit orders implementation. Our system provides both setting of orders and checking the way they "work". In other words, the trades on pending orders should be closed at prices maximum close to the prices specified during the order creation. This way helps us to determine how successful you can predict a market behavior.

The rule on how we define the iPAMM-Manager systematic work. Our system determines the effectiveness of each iPAMM-Manager by how systematic his/her trading is. You should strive to make trades with the same time frequency. It will enable to predict the results of your trading more accurately and to determine your trading as more effective.

Please be aware that today we recalculate the ranking and the positions of iPAMM-Managers will change. It is connected with recalculation of some indicators due to the latest changes in coefficients used by our algorithm during participants’ ranking.

Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our Customers who participated in the current phase of our system testing. Due to your help we were able to achieve good results while testing all aspects of iPAMM technology.

We are really grateful to you and hope that you will continue helping us to make our products and services better!

Factors Influencing Traderank and the iPAMM-Manager’s Rate in the Ranking
Friday, 12 June 2015

iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking has been already tested for several weeks and today we would like to provide you with some news which will clarify the Traderank index definition for our Managers.

First of all we would like to answer the question that is interesting for all our Managers: what may negatively affect their rate in the ranking?

First, copying trading orders of other Managers. We remind that we still insist on results showed by our Managers for their own work.

Second, building their trading strategies on pipsing. Making a large number of trades to gain a small profit is not an optimal way to manage our system investment portfolio. That is why the system will give preference to those trades showing larger revenue in pips, longer duration and larger expected amount of profit.

For the last weeks, we have received lots of questions from our Customers asking which income boundaries in pips are considered as pipsing. Our answer is as follows: a series of trades on the currency pair with the profitability of each trade lower than thirteen sized volume of average daily spread value ​​will be treated by our system as pipsing. Let us make an example. If the average spread on the trading instrument for the period of 24 hours has comprised 8 pips, then multiplying it by 13, we get the profit which equals to 104 pips (8 x 13). Respectively, the profit below this value will gradually reduce your Traderank index size.

Moreover, we added a new rule following which iPAMM-Managers should not repeat their own trading orders. The opening of same-type positions in close time intervals and price ranges on the same financial instrument minimizes the value of each such order individually. Despite the fact that the closing of positions eventually may bring more profit compared to the profit, gained holding one position, iPAMM system which is initially focused to optimize and improve work efficiency with the investment portfolios will define such Manager’s work as ineffective.

Respectively, carrying out the short-distance trades in pips may gradually have a negative impact on your Traderank index (our algorithm recognizes them as a repetition of your own trades within the same net position on the trading instrument you use).

Failure to use pending orders such as Stop Loss and Take Profit. We believe that the proper usage of pending orders is a key to success in the financial markets. Moreover, our system marks the way your pending orders performed: they should not be set only formally having no influence on the trade closing. In other words, the fact of using these orders is not so significant. The closing price of the trade under normal market conditions should not be too far from the price specified in the pending order. Otherwise iPAMM system will consider such fixation of potential losses or profits as ineffective.

Let us now, in general terms, consider the parameters that determine your rate in the ranking and influence its rise.

Low risk during your work. Our algorithm estimates the ratio between the number of performed by you profitable and successful trades. The fewer mistakes you make the better. The drawdown level (loss level) of open positions is also of great importance - it should be minimal and should not exceed 48 hours.

Trade regularity and consistency. iPAMM system carefully monitors "hopping" and unsteady Managers’ work. So if you control the parameters of your work: approximately equal income amounts, drawdown levels, time intervals of open trades, then you can be qualified for the high rates in the ranking.

Trade efficiency. The more profit you get for a smaller time unit of open trade compared to other iPAMM-Managers, the higher your Traderank index. It actually means that a larger profit will be obtained in less time.

All specified parameters to calculate the ranking will be applied in the nearest future and based on them, rates in the ranking will be redistributed.

To sum up we would like to answer one more question: what time period of the iPAMM-Manager’s work is taking into account when calculating his/her rate in the ranking and distributing remunerations?

The Manager’s work for last four weeks is taken into account. Thus, if you had a bad trade performance during one of the weeks, then after four weeks, it will be excluded and will no longer have a negative impact on your rate in the ranking.

As usual, we remind you that our website has "FAQs" section (Frequently Asked Questions) which contains relevant information about our products and services including any changes and innovations.

The iPAMM system testing will end soon. Follow our news. Very soon new details are going to be published!

"Bonus+25%" Will End Soon
Friday, 5 June 2015

Our Company launched the work of iPAMM-Manager accounts almost one year ago. "Bonus+25%" offer has been active exactly the same time for the Customers who pay the Registration Fee.

We are talking about the well-known to our Customers bonus funds accrued when adding money to trading accounts. When the Registration Fee was paid, our Customers were able to apply in their UBK Markets accounts special bonus under "Bonus+25%" Terms and Conditions.

We should note that as of today almost all our Customers have already benefited from this offer that is why we think it is time to replace it by new interesting bonus programs. Regarding abovementioned, we would like to inform you that the automatic activation of "Bonus+25%" will be valid when paying the Customer’s Registration Fee until October 1, 2015. We would like to let you know this as soon as possible so that everyone willing has time to use this service.

Follow our news on the website to stay updated of the latest events!

iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking and iBroker Partnership Program are launched
Saturday, 9 May 2015

We are pleased to announce long-awaited news. The iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking and iBroker Partnership Program start working today!

Let us consider first iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking.

As soon as the iPAMM-Manager Test became available, quite a lot of our Customers fully passed it. In general, we can speak about approximately 90 iPAMM-Managers who are ready to take part in the ranking. To be able to participate they have to provide us with their personal data via the interface of “My Account” (in "iPAMM-Manager account" Section). When the provided data are considered and verification procedure is completed, we will place the information about the first iPAMM-Managers in the ranking. Please note, this procedure will be a required condition for all Customers passed iPAMM-Manager Test to be published in the ranking.

In addition, to work as an iPAMM-Manager you should be familiar with the relevant Regulations and accept their provisions (the document is also available in "iPAMM-Manager account" Section in “My Account”).

Traderank index will be inactive during the first week of iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking. The positions of iPAMM-Managers will be determined only next Saturday following the program launch. This time is required for iPAMM system to make all initial calculations of the "efficiency" of iPAMM-Managers. Thus, we can say that the actual participation of iPAMM-Managers in the Ranking will start from May 18, 2015.

Now let us consider how iPAMM-Manager system will function during the first weeks.

Although, our developers spent lots of time and resources to test iPAMM system, we would like to estimate its work under real load. Besides, we also need some time to evaluate the performance of each Manager separately. Among other things, we would like to be sure that after the launch of iPAMM-Manager Account Ranking there will be at least 50 active Managers, whose trades will be sufficient to obtain effective results of using our technology.

As a result, the weekly compensation for iPAMM-Managers will not be distributed within 5-8 weeks starting from May 18, 2015. However, their trading operations will still influence Traderank index, thereby enabling in advance to hold higher positions in the ranking.

Moreover, we believe that this time will help our Customers to get acquainted with the new opportunities and working perspectives

We invite you to participate more actively in the final testing of iPAMM technology. Do not hesitate, use “My Account” functional, hold your trading operations and evaluate the performance of our system. We will appreciate all your feedbacks and will be glad to answer them. We will consider all your constructive suggestions and include them into the next versions of our software services.

Some information about iBroker.

We believe that you have already some understanding regarding this partnership (you can learn more at our website in "Partnership" Section). This service starts from May 11, 2015!

A special sub-section became available in "Additional Services" Section of “My Account”, in which you can activate this service, and start working as iBroker Partner. In "My Account you can also find all relevant materials necessary for your professional activity. The referral links, banners and subscription forms will be available for you during the Partnership Program launch. Such tools as informers (widgets), videos, landing pages and new banners will be added within a few months. They will allow you to attract Customers more effectively through web resources.

We will keep you updated regarding any events related to the iPAMM system operation, wait for the news!

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